Sunday, November 2, 2008

What to Do When She Leaves You

She's leaving you, that's a horrible feeling, but now what? You have 2 choices, try and get her back or accept her leaving you.

Here is a way to help you decide. Get a piece of paper and write on it all of the good things about your relationship be as specific as possible. Now get another piece of paper and write all of the bad things about your relationship, again being as specific as possible. Ok now you have your lists, set them down and leave them for a day or so. If you think of anything else add it to your lists.

Now look at your lists. Does the good outweigh the bad? Does the good make up for the bad? Is there anything on your bad list that you wrote just because you were mad, be fair. Now you have the information to base a decision on.

Either way there is a few things you can do to make it easier on yourself.

1) Now is the perfect time to truly look at yourself and decide if you like the person you are.

2) Remember that thing you wanted to try but didn't because you were with her? Now could be a good time to try it! Just don't be too crazy.

3) Start a new routine this is a great time to start a diet, or an exercise routine. Nothing bad could ever come from improving your health. The better your health the better you will feel.

4) Try a new look, breaking up means you're free to try something new without having to worry about what they think.

5) Do things that you enjoy! And don't constantly dwell on your ex.

Ok now you can step back and decide:

Do you want her back or do you want to move on?

Find out how to get your girlfriend back at

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